How to look after a Peperomia Polybotyra

We got to buy our very first peperomia plant in Australia last year. And we’re so glad that it has thrived very well.

So, how did we do it? A little bit of research , personal experience and TLC ( tender love and care) did the trick. Peperomias are not too needy as well as long as you get the most important care tips right. Here are some of it.

  1. Use a not too large pot with drainage.

2. Place it in an area with a bright to medium light away from direct sun exposure. We placed ours next to a window with a semi-transparent curtain. I love the way they turn their leaves towards the window. Kris and I takes turn to rotate them every now and then. Peperomias like warm and humid temperatures. Less light exposure will lead to leaves falling off and too much sun exposure will cause it’s leaves to turn pale and yellowish.

3. Leave the soil to dry completely before watering as the peperomia leaves are thick which can store water. I usually just stick about an inch of my finger in the soil to check it’s moisture and water if it’s dry. We water our Peperomia about just twice a week but may be even less during winter. Avoid too much watering as it may cause it’s root to rot and eventually grow fungus.

4. Fertilise once a month or even every 2 months. They are the kind of plant that does not really need it though.

They grow slowly so there’s no need to repot not until the roots are sticking out from the bottom of the pot.

5. Regular misting and wiping of it’s leaves reduces bugs infestation and cleans the leaves from dusts hence promoting photosynthesis. Your peperomia will love you for this!

Thanks for taking time to read our tips. If you have any other suggestions and recommendations feel free to leave your comment. We have posted some of our plant collections in our instagram page.

14 thoughts on “How to look after a Peperomia Polybotyra

  1. I’ve seen this plant here in the US, from time to time. I have a thing for leaves, and leaves whose stems are not on the edges especially – it’s a little like an umbrella. 🙂 A handsome plant. Thanks so much for the follow, by the way.

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    1. hello 🙂 you are very much welcome and thanks for reading our blog. Yeah, my husband and I loves to look after indoor plants specially that we live on a tiny house/apartment. Can be a bit challenging but it is becoming a trend. The good side is we could get lots of helpful tips and advise in the internet. Have a good day 🙂 Kris and Aileen

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